Grand Leaderboard

This leaderboard shows the all time greatest number of unique squares that have been contacted or heard by our members worldwide.

Position Callsign Country Unique Squares
1st DL6KVA Germany 567
2nd K0HB United States 523
3rd GW5GDP Wales 343
4th 4X1ST Israel 288
5th G0TRT England 214
6th DL5OTT Germany 198
7th DD2SM Germany 191
8th M0TRT England 171
9th dl5cl Germany 168
10th DL6JOE Germany 162
11th MM0TWX Scotland 156
12th M7OJA England 155
13th GI3KME N Ireland 142
14th DF7CB Germany 104
15th dg1npm Germany 101
16th IK0NMJ Italy 86
17th GM5ALX Scotland 77
18th do2hqs Germany 52
19th DL1ASL Germany 49
20th DF4WX Germany 40
20th LA9GX Norway 40
22nd DF2JP Germany 38
23rd 2M0OCC Scotland 35
24th IV3LNQ Italy 27
25th PY4NF Brazil 20
26th iv3ium Italy 9
27th ik2sgb Italy 7
27th GI-21316 SWL N Ireland 7
29th F6HUJ France 6
30th HB9ERD Switz 4
30th ik3uvi Italy 4
32nd 2E0UOE England 2
33rd CE6TTL Chile 0
33rd m0kvi England 0
33rd bh3xzt SWL China 0

Leaderboard by Mode

To search for a specific Mode and view the Leaderboard associated to it, please use the box below to enter the name of the mode and click the button.

Leaderboard by Band

To search for a specific Band and view the Leaderboard associated to it, please use the box below to enter the name of the Band and click the button.

Leaderboard by Country

This leaderboard shows the leading number of unique squares that have been contacted or heard by our members for the selected country below. Please note that only countries that have been contacted are listed here.